Alameda County District Attorney Pamela Price Announces Conviction in $359,720 Real Estate Fraud Elder Abuse Case

July 15, 2024

Oakland, CA— Alameda County District Attorney Pamela Price announces the conviction of Asher Turgeman (53), who pled no contest to felony elder abuse in connection with an extensive real estate fraud case involving an elderly victim with dementia.

The investigation revealed that the victim hired the defendant to install solar panels on the roof of one of her properties. The defendant then ingratiated himself with the victim, gaining her trust and eventually taking over all her finances. Acting as both a realtor and a general contractor, the defendant is alleged to have convinced the victim to sell most of her properties. During the escrow process Turgeman submitted fraudulent invoices for work that was never performed. This scheme allowed him to steal over $359,720 from the victim.

The scheme was uncovered when the victim began to receive notices in the mail that her bills were not being paid. She then told her friends, who had been very suspicious of the defendant. The friends looked through her bank accounts and then called the police.

“This theft would not have been uncovered if it weren’t for the hard work of the victim’s friends, the assistance of the Berkeley Police Department and the DA’s Real Estate Fraud team, including our inspector, deputy district attorney, and forensic auditor,” said District Attorney Pamela Price. “This teamwork was able to bring major compensation to the victim and accountability to the defendant.”

Turgeman will be sentenced to four months of electronic home detention and placed on probation for two years. As part of the plea deal, Turgeman provided a $200,000 cashier’s check as a first payment toward the full restitution. He will be required to pay the remaining $159,720 in restitution during the two years of his probation period. The sentencing will take place on September 9, 2024, at the East County Hall of Justice in Dublin, Department 705.


The Alameda County District Attorney’s Office (DAO) is one of California’s largest prosecutors’ offices and is led by Alameda County’s first Black woman District Attorney Pamela Y. Price. Price brings her vision to this office to fairly administer justice in the pursuit of thriving, healthy, and safe communities for every person who steps foot in Alameda County, no matter their race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, income, or zip code. Price has been recognized as one of the most progressive prosecutors through her forward-thinking, innovative strategies to interrupt cycles of violence and crime and bring change to a criminal justice system rooted in systemic racism. Follow Madam DA on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook, and @AlamedaCountyda on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.